
Born and raised in the diverse tapestry of Queens, New York, my upbringing fueled an insatiable curiosity for the world around me. When not immersed in the latest design developments, you'll find me indulging my deep passion for music and seeking inspiration at museums or dance performances.

Blending Design & Technology

From the moment I saw a looping "Hello Pablo" on a monochrome screen, I knew that technology would play a pivotal role in my creative career. Technology serves as an indispensable tool in my creative arsenal to push ideas or to enhance design workflows. The seamless integration of design and technology is essential for crafting impactful solutions in a swiftly evolving digital landscape. I strive to know the technical intricacies of digital platforms as it strengthens my capabilities as a designer. I am pushing pixels but also crafting code for those very pixels.

Innovate, Iterate, Repeat

For me, prototyping is not just a phase; it's a mindset. I revel in refining concepts, experimenting with new platforms, and viewing failure as a stepping stone toward success. I thrive being in situations where “this hasn’t been done before,” and to find solutions to very hard problems. Leadership experience at R/GA's Prototype Studio equipped me with a versatile toolkit of  techniques for swift problem-solving.

Lifelong Learning

In the dynamic fields of design and technology, I am a passionate advocate for continuous intellectual growth. From staying current with the latest industry trends to diving into new technologies, my commitment to lifelong learning fuels my ability to adapt and innovate.

Giving Back

Driven by a dedication to curiosity and a growth mindset, I seek to inspire others to embark on a lifelong learning journey. I am passionate about inspiring individuals through teaching and mentoring and to assist them in navigating their careers. From teaching at The New School in NY to designing platforms that track skills and foster personal growth, I have a dedication to empower individuals on their journey of continuous improvement.

The technologist and teacher John Maeda sums up my worldview.
“Technology makes possibilities. Design makes solutions. Art makes questions. Leadership makes actions.”

Pablo Gomez Headshot
A simple HelloA simple HelloA simple HelloA simple HelloA simple HelloA simple HelloA simple HelloA simple HelloA simple HelloA simple Hello